Urban Zones and Waterborne Routes of London 2090

Completed in Aug. 2009, Using Photoshop and AutoCAD

Energy supply systems
Due to the rise of temperature, in 2090, the climatic pattern in Thames Basin has been transferred from temperate maritime climate to tropical maritime climate. When North Sea in-welled into the basin, continuous sea wind followed. In order to fully utilize the natural advantages, wind farms were built as one of the main energy supplies in new London. Generally the wind velocity of sea wind is 8-10 meters per second. In this situation, small sized wind turbine with a rated power of 20kw, was appropriate for making use of this wind power resources. 131.6 km2 of wind farms were built, with a matrix of 625 small wind turbines in each square kilometer. The production energy in total is 7,050,000,000 kWh per year, which meets approximately 21% of the total consumption in new London. The rests energy resource is produced by other new energy power generation such as nuclear energy and tidal energy. Because the installation of a small wind turbine only requires an area of 0.4m2, a matrix of them could be easily installed in the ruined city where other larger construction could hardly be built. Hence building wind farms is an important way of re-exploiting the ruined areas.

Public traffic systems

Water transport network
Advanced water transportation network was perfect in the new flooded London. This network includes two parts: international waterways and intracity routes. Merged into the sea, the Thames River and Lee River are largely extended, both in navigable width and depth. After cleaning the ruins along the rivers, ocean ships can easily get to the inlands through them. Their importance in national transportation is greatly enlarged. These two extended rivers make of the international waterways. On the other hand, the intracity routes are set for daily transportation, which includes ferrying services and commuting trips. Most of these routes are set on clear sea surface. The minority of them are built through the ruined Inner London area, above the underwater roads and canals. These routes connect all the components in the urban model together.

Air transport system
Beside the water transportation system, an air one is built simultaneously. Because the usable lands are too valuable to support the long airstrips for the large airplanes, they are massively culled. Instead personal light-weighted low-altitude aircrafts, which can vertically take off and land on a small square, are widely used. Similar traffic system had been vividly presented in the movie The Fifth Elements. More systematically, in 2006, MVRDV brought a better proposal, Skycar City. In this proposal a series of low-altitude aircrafts were designed, in a range from personal skycars to public skybuses. The packing structures for these aircrafts were also developed. (MVRDV, 2006) Today a more advanced air traffic system has been built based on these early researches. A network of airlanes are set up to reduce the load of water transport, and an air rescue team is established as the main force in city’s emergency response system.



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