Urban Model of London 2090

Completed in Aug. 2009, Using Photoshop and AutoCAD

Urban Model

Community system

Walled islands
The new formed islands in Outer London area become the most primary human settlements. They function as economic and political center of the city. The population density on these pieces of land reached 100,000 people per km2. Dams, encircling each of the islands, were built to prevent water coming in and get back lower lands from the sea.

Hyper towers
As another major way, a structure with 400 stories and 1600 meters height, housing a population of 256,000 people was built to create living space in the sea. It is a self-contained city, hosting its own hospitals, schools, parks, a range of entertainment and retail options, and able to process its own waste. 25 of them were set mainly along the international waterways with a freight terminal installed on bottom. Therefore they also function as input ports and distribution centers of the city’s industrial products supply.

Float villages
In the long-term process of North Sea submerging the Thames basin, narrow boats were used as temporary houses to settle refugees. Because of the continuous scarcity of housing land, part of refugees could not get a stationary house for long. They gradually got used to living on the boat and turned it to a permanent place for living. Eventually these people became a semi-nomadic group in the city. When a certain number of narrow boats temporarily concentrate in an area, they form a float village. These docking areas were set on the clear water near the intracity water routes, where normally above the ruined parks and squares with few underwater buildings. At time passed by, markets are emerged among these floating villages.

Pier towns
During the submerging, the tidal shore kept shifting. However, this area was still the first choice for setting temporary refugee camps. In order to avoid the tide, the camps were set on massive structures of pier, spreading on the shore. When sea level rise finally tended to be mitigation, the shore stopped moving at last. Before the balance came, most of refugees got their new houses and left. The rests settled down and gradually turned the camps into a series of satellite towns around the basin. Finally, located in-between the farmland and the city, these towns become input ports and distribution centers of city’s food supply.



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